from the sale of the Grand Prize to the charity of their choice.

Every seat you buy and every seat you directly refer is one entry into the contest drawing.

Misty Lown – 14
Mike Keesee – 11
Elizabeth Lucchesi – 10
Carl Carlson – 9
Curtis Call – 8
Kelly Cort – 7
Hermie Baccus – 6
Dave Smith – 6
Chris Turner – 6
Krystal Weaver – 6
George Contos – 5
Tommy Breedlove – 4
Tim Ku-DiPietro – 4
Ian Lintott – 4
Sidd Pagidipati – 4
William Ryan – 4
Scott Daniel – 3
Robert Fogal – 3
John Leland – 3
John Petrie – 3
Mike Rogers – 3
Steph Schafeitel – 3
Michael Soler – 3
Jackie Spineger – 3
Jeremy Walsh – 3
Philip Borlin – 2
Melina Boswell – 2
Luke Bourns – 2
Ethan Brizzi – 2
Sal DeRose – 2
Mark Faris – 2
Tom Gilman – 2
Philip Marler – 2
Nolan Matthias – 2
Matt McCarl – 2
Gabriel Miles – 2
Blakelee Mills – 2
Tom Mosley – 2
Angie Oleary – 2
Timothy Oliver – 2
Jim Paulson – 2
Angie Peters – 2
Thomas Petersen – 2
Steven Reed – 2
Rae Regen – 2
Heather Roxburgh – 2
Shalee Schafeitel – 2
Sean Stanton – 2
Shane Williams – 2
Albert Yu – 2
Roanne Abe
Phillip Addis
Ron Adolf
Michael Adorno
Shazia Afzal
Jay Allen
Jennifer Allen
Nicole Amos
Amber Anderson
Cinthia Ane
Stacey Arbetter
Mariette Argelery
Evans Armantrading
Paula Arndt
Carrie Arneson
Greg Atchison
Matthaus Atkinson
Mohammad Atoofi
Nora Avalos
Dawn Bacchi
Jacqueline Baer
Kim Bagley
Robert Baglio
Nick Bailey
Robert Baird
Russell Baker
Lindsey Baranko
Lawrence Barclay
Ryan Barcus
Laura Barnes
Marvin Barrantes
Lenila Batali
Eric Baumgart
Mike Beaudry
Nicholas Begin
Beatriz Benitos
Andrea kami Benson
Leslie Bergen
Tim Bettcher
Mike Bevilacqua
Jay Bhatty
James Blakemore
Anthony Boothe
Mary Brandt
Craig Brayman
Brooks Brittingham
Clark Brown
Janice Brown
Jeffrey Brown
Carla Browne
Celine Brunet
Jean Brunet
Michael Bungay
Kennan Burch
Vanessa Cabrera
Nanette Caldwell
Lynn Cambia
Athena Captain
Thomas Capuano
Gerardo Carcamo
Javier Carmona
Alberto Castaneda
Adi Caucau
Dave Cavanaugh
Jennifer Ceneviva
Rafe Champion
Annabelle Chapman
Kenny Chapman
Michael Cheever
Tony Cheng
Aaron Chowdhurry
Branislav Chrastina
Meg Clippingdale
Robynn Coates
Dann Coffey
Sharon Cohn
Brenda Colaire
Christina Cope
Jackie Corbin
Darren Cordova
Freda Cornelius
Sterling Cottam
Stephanie Cover
Carl Cox
Merac Crawford
Rey Cruz
Joe Cunningham
Christy Curtis
Anil D’Souza
Verena Dahl
Wendell Dalton
Brian Daly
Leslie Davis
Karisa Davison
Charlene Day
Clif Dayton
Marcus Demonzarz
Jack DeGruchy
Eileen Didier
Mark Dierolf
Teresa DiGiuseppe
Feruza Djamalova
Gail Doby
Rhoda Donat-Flowers
Patti Dorrell
Paul Dougherty
Annette Dowdle
Nancy Downhour
Deborah Drury
Stephan Dube
Diana Dugas
Justin Dumsday
Dayna Durant-Sellars
Earl Hadden
Susan Ebert
Megan Eldridge
Stacy Ellingson
Rachel Ellis Adams
Lesley Esford
David Espejo
Yves Ephraim
Bill Evans
Tammie Evans
Tim Everson
Darcy Fagerwold
Bob Faiben
Michele Famisaran
Jeff Farmer
Michaelle Felendes
Skip Fifer
Kelly Finn
Dawn Fiscella
Robert Fisher
Anders Fjelstad
Terry Flack
Angela Floyd
Steven Foley
Roger Ford
Clifford Foster
Cody Foster
Angela Fox
Michael Frank
Leanne Gabriel
Ofrit Gal Barash
David Galligan
Carl Gardner
Mike Garrison
Travis Garland
James Garrett
Erik Gascho
Saverio Gaudio
Nick Gibbs
Ryan Gilliam
Debra Gisriel
Spencer Glazsher
Arvind Gopal
Gerald Grant
Tammy Griffin
Andreea Grigore
Serge Guenette
Klair Gunn
Mark Guthrie
Leonardo Habegger
Dc Hackerott
Bruce Haikola
Maxine Haller
Jen Hamilton
Hauke Hansen
Justin Haskell
Fay Hassaan
Jerilyn Hatch
Robert Hazen
Jeannette Hein
Jeannie Henderson
John Hensey
Robert Herron
Jim Hess
Sue Hicks
Jessica Hinkle
Aubrey Hoffman
Kevin Holdridge
William Holloway
Jesse Holman
Rachael Holmes
Karen Holvick
Christine Hooks
James Hope
June Horne
Bruce Hough
Christopher Howard
David Howell
Mark Huber
Jody Huffmaster
Craig Hulet
Gary Hull
Dee Hutchins
Carla Hutchinson
Wynett Isley
Luminita Ispas
Melissa Jeffreys
Debra Jennerjohn
Mary Jesse
Ashley Johnson
Jim Johnson
Suz Johnson
Darrell Jones
Rebecca Jones
Kerry Judd
Debbie Judice
Radha Kalaria
Randy Kammerer
Greg Kaseno
Adrian Katschke
Bill Keane
Bradley Keating
Lee Kellam
Kelly Kemp
Bernie Kern
Andrea Keuler
Aryeh Kieffer
Lisa Kirschner
Donna Kiscaden
Paul Klimaitis
Ronald Kluk
Shannon Kopoian
Stuart Kruse
Randall LaFleur
Michael LaFrance
Christopher Lallier
Katie Lambert
Bj Lane
Randy Lawrence
Sarah Lawyer
Sheryl Lee
Diana Lemus
Gerald Leonard
Jill LEsperance
Don Letendre
Tim Leung
Todd Libby
Frank Lichtenberg
April Liedtke
Jj Lillibridge
Dave Liniger
Kate Loftus
Mike Lopez
Ken Louise
Paul Loveland
Ben Lovett
Tom Macdonald
Andrew Mackin
Steve MacLellan
Eric Madsen
Velki Magdolna
Mary Maida
Michelle Mann
Marco Marandola
Dominic Maratta
Leslie Margolies
Sara Margulis
Richard Markow
Stu Masson
Tony Marnella
Dan Martell
Eric Mauz
Marg McCarthy
Andy McCartney
Yvette McDowell
Hunter McFadden
Michael McMeans
Andrew McNair
Fiona Mead
Blake Mellecker
Aliana Mejias-Ocampo
Johnny Mendez
Dannie Mendoza
Paul Meyer
Krystal Miles
Laura Miller
Rachel Miller
Katerina Mills
Scott Minke
Alyse Mitten
Debbie Mitzner
Chris Molenaar
Tyler Molstre
Donna Monnig
André Mont-Redon
Dereck Moore
Lori Mowder
Andrew Mwavua
Selva Nadar
Amin Nadeem
Javier Najera
Rex Nance
Dawn Neighoff
Ronda Nelson
Geoffrey Newman
Lisa Nguyen
John Nicholas
Tony Niel
Douglas Niosi
Victoria Noethling
Valerie Norda
Stefa Normantas
Becky Nutt
Dick O’Donnell
Cadey O’Leary
Mikhak Oakes
Sarah Pacheco
Jerry Pacific
Dj Paine
Greg Palka
Jeff Parker
Mikell Parsons
Amy Paul
Ken Peakman
Michael Pendleton
Bobby Perea
Mauricio Pereria
Gloria Petrie
Renee Pfaltzgraff
Kobchai Phadoemchit
Donna Phelan
Tara Pickford
Mark Pintar
Deborah Plowden
Steven Polidoro
Melida Potts
Tria Presher
Lisa Prunty
Stan Prutz
Praveen Puranam
Stephanie Quayle
Kathy Quinlan
Richard Rabin
Aneela Rafique
John Ramsay
Margaret Raymond
Debbie Reid
Valerie Reid
Allen Remillard
Maribel Reyna
Frank Riedstra
Mark Riffer
April Roberts
Phil Roberts
Vangel Roberts
Jay Rodgers
Michael Rodgers
Alfred Rodriguez
Garrick Rose
Tracey Rose
Andrew Rossberg
Jen Routte
Antonia Roybal-Mack
Walter Rumble
Sarah Rush
Robert Russell
Daniel Sachkowsky
Joseph Salinas
Jenny Sanders
Debbie Sardone
Rob Schenk
Elizabeth Scott
Mark Semrau
Steve Sexton
Andrew Shawcrorft
Heidi Sheldon
Sonya Shelton
Moses Sisay
Charlott Sitarski
Carey Skinner
Katti Skinner
Ken Slosarik
Melanie Smith
Rena Smith
Robert Smith
Tabitha Smith
Todd Smith
Jesse Snodgrass
Marilyn Snyder
Brian Southworth
Desmond Spann
David Speranza
Mike Spina
Taresa Spiroff
Preston Squire
Ester St. Juste
Susan Steber
Saritza Stevens
Jennifer Stewart
Michael Stewart
Walter Stocker
Douglas Stoddard
Ed Storer
Herschel Stringfield
Mrlynda Strouse
Kim Sutton
Cheryl Swanson
Kelley Tate
Mike Taylor
Tracy Teale
Angela Therrien
Randy Thomason
Jeff Throckmorton
Brian Tienken
Peter Tikasz
Joshua Tillery
Cindy Tippett
Sean Tobin
Mandie Toland
Michaela Tomer
Mickey Tomer
Michele Town
Bill Tozer
Damon Trejo
Mary-Anne Trusz
Kendra Turner
Angie Utter Gauthier
Helena Vanderwey
Iris Veneracion
Shirley Vetrone
Tim Veurink
John Vidal
Dinna Voges
Jayna Voss
Corine Wagenaar
Randall Wall
Josh Waltzing
Ralph Watkins
Emily Weber
Wendi Weems
Leeann Werbelow
Brooks West
Tracie west
Benjamin West
Cleopatra White
Garey Whittaker
Ross Wiffler
Marc Will
Glenn Williams
Scott Winstead
Eric Woodard
Nichole Wright
Kathleen Wright-Knothe
John Yaney
Anson Yeung
Mohankumar Yevvari
Alida Zuniga

Every seat you buy and every seat you directly refer is one entry into the contest drawing.

Misty Lown – 14
Mike Keesee – 11
Elizabeth Lucchesi – 10
Carl Carlson – 9
Curtis Call – 8
Kelly Cort – 7
Hermie Baccus – 6
Dave Smith – 6
Chris Turner – 6
Krystal Weaver – 6
George Contos – 5
Tommy Breedlove – 4
Tim Ku-DiPietro – 4
Ian Lintott – 4
Sidd Pagidipati – 4
William Ryan – 4
Scott Daniel – 3
Robert Fogal – 3
John Leland – 3
John Petrie – 3
Mike Rogers – 3
Steph Schafeitel – 3
Michael Soler – 3
Jackie Spineger – 3
Jeremy Walsh – 3
Philip Borlin – 2
Melina Boswell – 2
Luke Bourns – 2
Ethan Brizzi – 2
Sal DeRose – 2
Mark Faris – 2
Tom Gilman – 2
Philip Marler – 2
Nolan Matthias – 2
Matt McCarl – 2
Gabriel Miles – 2
Blakelee Mills – 2
Tom Mosley – 2
Angie Oleary – 2
Timothy Oliver – 2
Jim Paulson – 2
Angie Peters – 2
Thomas Petersen – 2
Steven Reed – 2
Rae Regen – 2
Heather Roxburgh – 2
Shalee Schafeitel – 2
Sean Stanton – 2
Shane Williams – 2
Albert Yu – 2
Hameed Abdi
Roanne Abe
Phillip Addis
Ron Adolf
Michael Adorno
Shazia Afzal
Jay Allen
Jennifer Allen
Nicole Amos
Amber Anderson
Cinthia Ane
Stacey Arbetter
Mariette Argelery
Evans Armantrading
Paula Arndt
Carrie Arneson
Greg Atchison
Matthaus Atkinson
Mohammad Atoofi
Nora Avalos
Dawn Bacchi
Jacqueline Baer
Kim Bagley
Robert Baglio
Nick Bailey
Robert Baird
Russell Baker
Lindsey Baranko
Lawrence Barclay
Ryan Barcus
Laura Barnes
Marvin Barrantes
Lenila Batali
Eric Baumgart
Mike Beaudry
Nicholas Begin
Beatriz Benitos
Andrea kami Benson
Leslie Bergen
Tim Bettcher
Mike Bevilacqua
Jay Bhatty
James Blakemore
Anthony Boothe
Mary Brandt
Craig Brayman
Brooks Brittingham
Clark Brown
Janice Brown
Jeffrey Brown
Carla Browne
Celine Brunet
Jean Brunet
Michael Bungay
Kennan Burch
Vanessa Cabrera
Nanette Caldwell
Lynn Cambia
Athena Captain
Thomas Capuano
Gerardo Carcamo
Javier Carmona
Alberto Castaneda
Adi Caucau
Dave Cavanaugh
Jennifer Ceneviva
Rafe Champion
Annabelle Chapman
Kenny Chapman
Michael Cheever
Tony Cheng
Aaron Chowdhurry
Branislav Chrastina
Meg Clippingdale
Robynn Coates
Dann Coffey
Sharon Cohn
Brenda Colaire
Christina Cope
Jackie Corbin
Darren Cordova
Freda Cornelius
Sterling Cottam
Stephanie Cover
Carl Cox
Merac Crawford
Rey Cruz
Joe Cunningham
Christy Curtis
Anil D’Souza
Verena Dahl
Wendell Dalton
Brian Daly
Leslie Davis
Karisa Davison
Charlene Day
Clif Dayton
Marcus Demonzarz
Jackie DeGruchy
Eileen Didier
Mark Dierolf
Teresa DiGiuseppe
Feruza Djamalova
Gail Doby
Rhoda Donat-Flowers
Patti Dorrell
Paul Dougherty
Annette Dowdle
Nancy Downhour
Deborah Drury
Stephan Dube
Diana Dugas
Justin Dumsday
Dayna Durant-Sellars
Earl Hadden
Susan Ebert
Megan Eldridge
Stacy Ellingson
Rachel Ellis Adams
Lesley Esford
David Espejo
Yves Ephraim
Bill Evans
Tammie Evans
Tim Everson
Darcy Fagerwold
Bob Faiben
Michele Famisaran
Jeff Farmer
Michaelle Felendes
Skip Fifer
Kelly Finn
Dawn Fiscella
Robert Fisher
Anders Fjelstad
Terry Flack
Angela Floyd
Steven Foley
Roger Ford
Clifford Foster
Cody Foster
Angela Fox
Michael Frank
Leanne Gabriel
Ofrit Gal Barash
David Galligan
Carl Gardner
Mike Garrison
Travis Garland
James Garrett
Erik Gascho
Saverio Gaudio
Nick Gibbs
Ryan Gilliam
Debra Gisriel
Spencer Glazsher
Brenda Gomez
Arvind Gopal
Gerald Grant
Tammy Griffin
Andreea Grigore
Serge Guenette
Klair Gunn
Mark Guthrie
Leonardo Habegger
Dc Hackerott
Bruce Haikola
Maxine Haller
Jen Hamilton
Hauke Hansen
Justin Haskell
Fay Hassaan
Jerilyn Hatch
Robert Hazen
Jeannette Hein
Jeannie Henderson
John Hensey
Robert Herron
Jim Hess
Sue Hicks
Jessica Hinkle
Aubrey Hoffman
Kevin Holdridge
William Holloway
Jesse Holman
Rachael Holmes
Karen Holvick
Christine Hooks
James Hope
June Horne
Bruce Hough
Christopher Howard
David Howell
Mark Huber
Jody Huffmaster
Craig Hulet
Gary Hull
Dee Hutchins
Carla Hutchinson
Wynett Isley
Luminita Ispas
Melissa Jeffreys
Debra Jennerjohn
Mary Jesse
Ashley Johnson
Jim Johnson
Suz Johnson
Darrell Jones
Rebecca Jones
Kerry Judd
Debbie Judice
Radha Kalaria
Randy Kammerer
Greg Kaseno
Adrian Katschke
Bill Keane
Bradley Keating
Lee Kellam
Kelly Kemp
Bernie Kern
Andrea Keuler
Aryeh Kieffer
Lisa Kirschner
Donna Kiscaden
Paul Klimaitis
Ronald Kluk
Shannon Kopoian
Stuart Kruse
Randall LaFleur
Michael LaFrance
Christopher Lallier
Katie Lambert
Bj Lane
Randy Lawrence
Sarah Lawyer
Sheryl Lee
Diana Lemus
Gerald Leonard
Jill LEsperance
Don Letendre
Tim Leung
Todd Libby
Frank Lichtenberg
April Liedtke
Jj Lillibridge
Dave Liniger
Kate Loftus
Mike Lopez
Ken Louise
Paul Loveland
Ben Lovett
Tom Macdonald
Andrew Mackin
Steve MacLellan
Eric Madsen
Velki Magdolna
Mary Maida
Michelle Mann
Marco Marandola
Dominic Maratta
Leslie Margolies
Sara Margulis
Richard Markow
Stu Masson
Tony Marnella
Dan Martell
Eric Mauz
Marg McCarthy
Andy McCartney
Yvette McDowell
Hunter McFadden
Michael McMeans
Andrew McNair
Fiona Mead
Blake Mellecker
Aliana Mejias-Ocampo
Johnny Mendez
Dannie Mendoza
Paul Meyer
Krystal Miles
Laura Miller
Rachel Miller
Katerina Mills
Scott Minke
Alyse Mitten
Debbie Mitzner
Chris Molenaar
Tyler Molstre
Donna Monnig
André Mont-Redon
Dereck Moore
Lori Mowder
Andrew Mwavua
Selva Nadar
Amin Nadeem
Javier Najera
Rex Nance
Dawn Neighoff
Ronda Nelson
Geoffrey Newman
Lisa Nguyen
John Nicholas
Tony Niel
Douglas Niosi
Victoria Noethling
Valerie Norda
Stefa Normantas
Becky Nutt
Dick O’Donnell
Cadey O’Leary
Mikhak Oakes
Rem Oculee
Sarah Pacheco
Jerry Pacific
Dj Paine
Greg Palka
Jeff Parker
Mikell Parsons
Amy Paul
Ken Peakman
Michael Pendleton
Bobby Perea
Mauricio Pereria
Gloria Petrie
Renee Pfaltzgraff
Kobchai Phadoemchit
Donna Phelan
Tara Pickford
Mark Pintar
Deborah Plowden
Steven Polidoro
Melida Potts
Tria Presher
Lisa Prunty
Stan Prutz
Praveen Puranam
Stephanie Quayle
Kathy Quinlan
Richard Rabin
Aneela Rafique
John Ramsay
Margaret Raymond
Debbie Reid
Valerie Reid
Allen Remillard
Maribel Reyna
Frank Riedstra
Mark Riffer
April Roberts
Phil Roberts
Vangel Roberts
Jay Rodgers
Michael Rodgers
Alfred Rodriguez
Garrick Rose
Tracey Rose
Andrew Rossberg
Jen Routte
Antonia Roybal-Mack
Walter Rumble
Sarah Rush
Robert Russell
Daniel Sachkowsky
Joseph Salinas
Jenny Sanders
Debbie Sardone
Rob Schenk
Elizabeth Scott
Mark Semrau
Steve Sexton
Andrew Shawcrorft
Heidi Sheldon
Sonya Shelton
Moses Sisay
Charlott Sitarski
Carey Skinner
Katti Skinner
Ken Slosarik
Melanie Smith
Rena Smith
Robert Smith
Tabitha Smith
Todd Smith
Jesse Snodgrass
Marilyn Snyder
Brian Southworth
Desmond Spann
David Speranza
Mike Spina
Taresa Spiroff
Preston Squire
Ester St. Juste
Susan Steber
Saritza Stevens
Jennifer Stewart
Michael Stewart
Walter Stocker
Douglas Stoddard
Ed Storer
Herschel Stringfield
Mrlynda Strouse
Kim Sutton
Cheryl Swanson
Kelley Tate
Mike Taylor
Tracy Teale
Angela Therrien
Randy Thomason
Jeff Throckmorton
Brian Tienken
Peter Tikasz
Joshua Tillery
Cindy Tippett
Sean Tobin
Mandie Toland
Michaela Tomer
Mickey Tomer
Michele Town
Bill Tozer
Damon Trejo
Mary-Anne Trusz
Kendra Turner
Angie Utter Gauthier
Helena Vanderwey
Iris Veneracion
Shirley Vetrone
Tim Veurink
John Vidal
Dinna Voges
Jayna Voss
Corine Wagenaar
Randall Wall
Josh Waltzing
Ralph Watkins
Emily Weber
Wendi Weems
Leeann Werbelow
Brooks West
Tracie west
Benjamin West
Cleopatra White
Garey Whittaker
Ross Wiffler
Marc Will
Glenn Williams
Scott Winstead
Eric Woodard
Nichole Wright
Kathleen Wright-Knothe
John Yaney
Anson Yeung
Mohankumar Yevvari
Alida Zuniga
Text Brenda at 619-375-1257 to secure special Alumni super savings.
Or Email Her Here.
Business leader friends, vendors, VIP clients, key partners, community leaders, businesses you frequent.
Send them to Darren’s broadcast:
And Darren will take it from there!

Darren Hardy Maserati GranTurismo Giveaway Contest Official Rules
Please read these Rules carefully. Participating in the Contest indicates that you have read, understood, and fully agree to these Official Rules.
Contest is sponsored by DARREN HARDY, LLC (“Sponsor”)
Darren Hardy Maserati GranTurismo Giveaway Contest (“Contest”) begins at 12:01:00 a.m. Pacific Standard Time (“PST”) on August 4th, 2022 and ends at 11:59:59 p.m. PST on October 31st,, 2022 (the “Contest Period”).
The Contest is open to permanent legal residents of the 50 United States (excluding the District of Columbia) and Canada (excluding Quebec). You must be 18 years or older at the Contest Period with a valid driver’s license to be a participant (“Participant”).
Employees, partners, vendors of Sponsor, or the immediate families (spouse, parent, child, sibling, and their respective spouses, regardless of where they reside) and persons living in households of each, whether or not related, are ineligible.
Void where prohibited or restricted by law. The Contest is subject to all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations. Participating in the Contest binds you to these by these Official Rules. Winning the Grand Prize is contingent upon fulfilling all requirements set forth herein.
During the Contest Period, a Participant refers a new member enrolling in the Darren Hardy Business Master Class, October 19-21, 2022. “Directly responsible” is defined by the Participant’s name being entered in the “Referred by” input box on the registration page and/or verified by the Sponsor.
Each existing seat purchased and verified for the October 19-21, 2022 Business Master Class is included (one entry per confirmed seat).
Business Master Class seats previously purchased and inventoried, when allocated to the October 19-21, 2022, are included (one entry per confirmed seat).
Throughout the Contest Period, the Sponsor may announce opportunities to increase the number of entries you may earn by a multiplier. Multipliers may include 2 times (2X), 3 times (3X), 5 times (5X), or 10 times (10X). Timing for an Entry Multiplier offer will be determined solely by the Sponsor and will be announced via email and SMS.
Throughout the Contest Period, the Sponsor may announce opportunities to earn Bonus Entries. This can include but is not limited to enrollments into other Darren Hardy training programs. Participants will gain the appropriate Bonus amount as long as the entry is made within the specified Contest Period.
A random drawing from all the entries made during the Contest Period will be conducted on or about November 3, 2022. Participants need not be present to win. The odds of winning the Grand Prize depend on the number of eligible entries received.
Darren’s personal (pre-owned, 2011) Maserati GranTurismo (approximately 14,000 miles). Kelly Blue Book stated value is approximately $40,000.
Winner will be required to pick up their Prize (or have shipped at the Winner’s sole expense) at a specified address in California no later than 30-days after Contest Drawing (unless otherwise decided and communicated alternatively by the Sponsor). Failure to take delivery within 30 days of availability could cause Prize to be forfeited or awarded to an alternate.
Winner is responsible for presenting a valid U.S. driver’s license, proof of automobile insurance, proof of vehicle registration, and paying all local, state, and/or federal taxes taxes and other transaction fees or costs associated with the vehicle prior to automobile pick-up or delivery. Sponsor will provide Form 1099 to the Grand Prize winner by mail.
Winner is solely responsible for all travel, transportation or shipping costs for collecting the Prize and any service checks, emissions inspection, gasoline, vehicle maintenance, and any other expenses incurred in claiming, registering, or using the Prize.
Prize is non-transferable and may not be redeemed for cash. Sponsor reserves the right to substitute a Prize of equal or greater value if the advertised Prize becomes unavailable.
The Prize is awarded “AS IS” and WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, express or implied (including, without limitation, any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose).
Based on different safety and emissions requirements in some states, provinces, and counties, Prize vehicle may or may not meet those required standards. Winner is responsible for checking their state of residence to confirm the aforementioned and must use vehicle in accordance with state/county/province regulations.
The Grand Prize value is estimated. The actual value of the Prize is expected to vary based on market conditions and the final delivery of the vehicle. If the actual value of the vehicle is less than stated, the difference will not be awarded in cash, and no such claim will be honored.
Grand Prize Potential Winner will be notified by email, followed by a phone call, on or about November 3rd, 2022.
Winner will be required to sign and return an Affidavit of Eligibility/Publicity and Liability Release, and W9 within 48 hours of notification. If the Winner does not return the required documents within the stated timeframe, the Winner will be disqualified, and an alternate Winner will be selected.
Winner will also have the option to decline the Prize, and Sponsor can sell the vehicle, and net proceeds can be donated to a cause of the Winner’s choice.
Taxes related to the Prize are the sole responsibility of the Winner. Acceptance of the Prize constitutes permission to Sponsor and its agencies to use Winner’s name and/or likeness for advertising and trade without further compensation.
Any questions, comments, or complaints regarding the Contest are to be directed to DARREN HARDY, LLC at the address below.